Če si želite osvojiti dodatno znanje squasha, je dvodnevni angleški poletni squash kamp ena izmed rešitev 🙂
Kamp bo potekal v Kenilworth-u od 31. avg. do 1. sept. Lahko se boste preizkusili na njihovem novem steklenem igrišču v družbi vzpenjajoče se squahistke Sarah-Jane Perry in dveh odličnih trenerjev Chrisa Fullerja in Steveja Townsenda. Cena za kamp je 135 GBP in vključuje treninge, igrišče, hrano, trenerje. Rezervacija je možna s predplačilo 50 GBP na spodnji naslov.
Just some info about the next TotalSquash Masterclass. It will run on Saturday 31st August 11.00am until 1st Sept (Sunday) 4pm at Kenilworth with our new glass back exhibition court
It will focus on volleying and taking the ball early to all four corners of the court.The cost will be £135 per person including lunches, not including accommodation.Sarah-Jane Perry, currently the hottest property on the WSA tour hitting no. 18 and rising rapidly will be amongst the coaches along with myself and Chris Fuller. There will be a 1:4 coach player ratio as usual, and you can expect the weekend to at least match the heights of the previous ones!
Just some info about the next TotalSquash Masterclass. It will run on Saturday 31st August 11.00am until 1st Sept (Sunday) 4pm at Kenilworth with our new glass back exhibition court
Please transfer a deposit of £50 to
S R Townsend
20 23 55
to reserve your place now.